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SEASONS featuring Horacio Printing

I love how each season brings something new & exciting to look forward to! Once spring hits, I always look forward to peonies blooming.  Peonies are my absolute favorite flower and sometimes I wish they would grow all throughout the year--but having them only grow for a short season, makes them all the more special. When the Christmas season comes around I'm always so excited for the songs, decorations, and everything about the season. But once January hits, I'm ready to put those decorations away. Since every season only lasts for a certain amount of time, it makes it that much more exciting. There is a time for every season, and God created seasons for a reason. Just like the seasons of the year, there are so many "seasons" in life. If you're going through a good season, embrace it and enjoy it to its fullest. If you're going through a tough season, know that it will not last forever. God has a plan for every season & His timing is perfect.

I absolutely LOVE this devotional/Bible study from Horacio Printing. It contains five different seasons--finding purpose, seeking wisdom, transition, anxiety, and joy. Througout life, you may find yourself going through any one season, or a few at once! The best way to navigate through those seasons is to turn to God and His Word. The Seasons of Soap devotional provides the perfect Bible verses for each season, and has helped me so much. Oh, and not only does Horacio Printing make amazing devotionals, but they also have beautiful planners/organizers. You can visit their website here.

"All of my life
In every season
You are still God
I have a reason to sing
I have a reason to worship

                                          Hillsong Worship


Finding Balance

Life can get so busy. Ever feel like you're being pulled in different directions? There have been times where I've had a hard time finding balance, especially as a wife and mom, and I've learned that I do best when I prioritize. When I pin down what is a priority each day and each week, I find it so much easier to find balance. 

One thing that I've learned to balance and prioritize over the last couple of years are my health & fitness goals. During the pregnancy with my twins, I craved & ate Cinnabon cinnamon rolls on a regular basis, and ended up gaining over 70 pounds (well, it wasn't ALL due to the cinnamon rolls!). Once the twins were about 6 months old, I decided it was time to whip myself back into shape. I started a subscription to Shape magazine, signed up for some fitness classes, and cut back on the sweets. But, something didn't feel quite right...I had little energy, and was feeling nauseous during the nights. After about a month of feeling that way I told my husband I was going to go visit the doctor. Long story short, we found out we we were expecting another baby!  Although I was determined to eat healthier during the second pregnancy, fitness wasn't a huge priority, and it took awhile afterward to get back on track. I've come to realize that it takes time, and to not be so hard on myself! I've also learned that if I am too hard on myself (basically cutting out all sugar and carbs 100% of the time), it ends up backfiring. Instead, I focus on eating healthy 80% of the time, but still enjoying treats. A couple other health priorities have been to drink A LOT more water, and to set an hour aside each day for exercise. Some days the exercise has been as simple as a walk with the kids, and other days it's something a lot more high intensity. Some of my best advice is to figure out what works best for you, and stick with it!

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
Philippians 4:13

Activewear outfit is by Ellie Activewear .

All photos by Swolfe Photo.

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