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My motherhood journey has been so different than I ever imagined. It's also been more challenging than I ever expected. But, it has been one of the biggest blessings that I've ever had. It all started around four and a half years ago when I walked into a store to pick out a neutral baby outfit that would work for either a boy or a girl. I wasn't pregnant, but my husband and I knew that we wanted to start a family soon. Some people might find it silly, but my plan was to get a baby outfit that I could have hanging up as a reminder of what we were believing and praying for. Although I saw several neutral outfits in the store that day, I ended up leaving the store with two newborn outfits-- one for a boy and one for a girl. I hung the two outfits side by side in our bedroom closet, and would look at them and pray several times a week. Months went by when we found out that we were expecting! When we went into our first ultrasound and got the shock that it was twins(there aren't twins on either side of the family), the ultrasound tech also made the comment that since they were going to be fraternal twins there was a chance that it would be a boy and girl. My mind immediately went to the outfits hanging in our closet. Could it be?! Around two months later, on Christmas morning, we got ready to open our gender reveal envelopes in front of my family. My husband opened "Baby A's" envelope to reveal that it was a boy. I anxiously tore into the envelope marked "Baby B" and peaked inside. I'll never forget seeing the "it's a girl" written inside, and not being able to read those three words out loud. Thankfully, my husband was able to announce to the rest of the family. I was so overcome with joy and gratitude.
Our twins are now three and a half, and the majority of their newborn clothes are either packed in storage or donated, BUT those two outfits remain hanging in their closet. Some nights after tucking them into bed I'll look into the closet at those two outfits, and say a prayer of thanks. Before we ever knew we were having twins, and before we even knew we were pregnant, it was all part of God's plan ❤

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